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Money Saving Tips

I am always looking for ways to save money, I am also always looking for ways to be green. I like to reuse things around the house and I wanted to provide a list of some simple things to do around your house, apartment, dorm, or wherever you live to save money and reuse some common items you can find around your home.

1. Reuse old t-shirts as dust rags

2. Use plastic grocery bags (if you haven't made the switch to reusable bags) as trash can liners

3. Baby food jars make great containers for beads, screws, nuts and bolts

4. Comics from the Sunday paper makes cute wrapping paper

5. I use the unused envelopes from junk mail (credit card applications, etc) for almost everything, I'll write lists on the back, I use them to put coupons in at the grocery store, anything and everything

6. 2 toilet paper rolls make awesome binoculars

7. Fun tea cups or mugs make fun, funky flower pots

8. Rinse out an Altoids tin and you can keep buttons, loose change, or whatever odds and ends in it

9. Shoe boxes are great for mailing packages

10. Use a glass or plastic cup instead of throw away Dixie cups

Now these tips aren't going to save you thousands of dollars, but if you can save $10, $20, or even $30 by reusing things around your house I think it is totally worth it.

Do you have any tips on reusing items to save money? If so, leave a comment letting us know. I'm always looking for fun new tips and love hearing creative ideas from my readers.