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Pottery Barn Kids- $9.99 Monogrammed Beach Towel + Free Shipping

This is a great deal for a cute personalized gift for any kid. Here is a list of beach towels that are on sale for $9.99 and include free monogramming and shipping... what a steal! I love Pottery Barn and this is a great deal they are running. Be sure to search for items by item # to ensure the $9.99 price pops up.

Here are all the towels includes:
Shark Beach Towel Item number: 68-7943178
Fish Beach Towel Item number: 68-7943137
Polka Dot Flower Towel Item number: 68-55-7943152
Mermaid Towel Item number: 68-7943160
Mermaid Mini Beach towel (actually priced at $6.99) Item number: 68-7942618
It states that monogramming is an additional $6.50, but after adding the item to your cart the monogramming is free.