To explain the name of my website a little more and show everyone how easy it is to save money I want to lay out a few coupon scenarios. While I may be in the minority of my core readers because I use tons of coupons every shopping trip, I realize there are people reading this that have never used coupons and might feel completely lost, or that it is totally not worth it. I love to save money and it comes easy to me... but for others this is the beginning of a whole new shopping experience and Welcome!!!! I can't wait to hear some stories of how people are saving money and enjoying it (it really is a great feeling to cut 75% off your grocery bill)
So here goes... lets say you have never used coupons and don't believe they will really save any money. Try to take 3-5 coupons to the grocery store each week when you shop. You would be amazed at the everyday items that have coupons, recently I have found coupons for milk, eggs, deli meat, etc...
1. Shopping trip with 3-5 coupons
Value of coupons- $3.00 total
Use this each week and save $156 a year!
Having an extra $156 in your wallet each year would be nice wouldn't it?!?
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